Unique opportunity to acquire a residential plot situated on Beach Avenue in Cape May. This exterior lot offers picturesque beach and water views and is conveniently located near Cape May's vibrant shopping district, restaurants, and various attractions. Future driveway for new home to be on First Avenue. Taxes to be determined. One of the owner's is a NJ licensed real estate salesperson. A bit more information: lot size, 9100 sq ft., Building set back line 20 feet, lot width 65feet, Lot frontage 65 feet, Habitable floor area greater than 840 sq ft, Ground floor area greater than 840 sq ft, read yard, 20 ft, side yard-each 10 ft, building height40 feet, lot coverage 75%. Accessory out building: building height less than 18 ft, maximum length less than 300 ft, Maximum width 12.3 feet, setbacks rear yard 5feet, side yard 4 feet. Approximate building envelope 45 by 100 a home could be as large as 3375 sq ft. The property is in the HPC Zone. Please see attached deed notice that that has more information on requirements. Habitable areas generally do not include Attics, basements, porches, decks or other areas not designed for human habitation. This information deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Please see attached information for verification of the deed notice and Resolution.
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