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Brett Gorman - Attorney


Broker / Owner

609-827-3513   |

After Graduating from Georgia Tech in 1976, Bill moved to Cape May and began what would become a lifetime career in Real Estate. Bill has emersed himself in the community over the years, starting off with the Cape May Kiwanis Club in 1979. Also in l979 Bill joined the Cape May Volunteer Fire Department and has been serving as it's Treasurer since 2000. 1980 brought an appointment to the Cape May City Planning Board where he has continued to serve as Chairman for over 20 years. Bill obtained a salesmans license in 1979 and a Brokers license in 1980 and has been Selling and Renting Cape May ever since. In 2000, Bill purchased the Coldwell Banker Office in Cape May. He has been a member of the Million Dollar Sales Club in the Cape May County MLS since 1987, achieving Gold and Platinum levels numerous times.

Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Sol Needles Real Estate, Inc. fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.

Each franchise is independently owned and operated. Any services or products provided by independently owned and operated franchises are not provided by, affiliated with or related to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC nor any of its affiliated companies.

© Coldwell Banker Sol Needles Real Estate, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Featuring Cape May Properties For Sale & Summer Vacation Rentals